Jessie Janeshek
I didn’t move today felt the temptation
felt movie pressure like I should conjure engines.
I didn’t know which candle pink or white bullshit
to help the jewel thief’s daughter
solve the crime.
I needed a night book a day book a maze
my party my problem
brass lips black confetti the majorette dress
Clorox and soap and dense days anointed with flame.
I sent the past some evidence
her curls bleached so carefully
like a Marilyn zombie. I sent the past some evidence
you said we want to see the wig
you burned before the murder
we want to see the cloche hat blood soaked in your distance.
We want to conjure your ghost sans religion
want to truss you up like a dead James Dean—
I’d died before that reel my spooky action
her confession. She became a better actress
at a distance the new wave.
I could come at any time. I could cry the dog is old.
He lost his teeth. I played three women in the movie
or one man on TV.
I could use the whip ride to hook you back in time
starlet theosophy shove you to your knees.
You could sit on my grave I could stick out my hand…
Jessie Janeshek's second full-length book of poems is The Shaky Phase (Stalking Horse Press, 2017). Her chapbooks are Spanish Donkey/Pear of Anguish (Grey Book Press, 2016), Rah-Rah Nostalgia (dancing girl press, 2016), Hardscape (Reality Beach, forthcoming), Supernoir (Grey Book Press, 2017), and Auto-Harlow (Shirt Pocket Press, forthcoming). Invisible Mink (Iris Press, 2010) is her first full-length collection. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and an M.F.A. from Emerson College. You can read more of her poetry at