Julia Wohlstetter
Come home with Pez, and bread, and trees.
Come without delay.
Dream flesh
Dream hair
Green of the bitter sea
All bad ladies
of the highway rot.
Soon I must go
Seam dress
Preen flair,
Scream of the bitter sea
From mountain’s guarded garden
adorned in skies of luxury
Team letch
Spring glare
Sleeve of the bitter sea
My pools perform their respiration
My mouths devour and regurgitate
Meme flesh
Meme hair
Spleen of the bitter sea
Julia Wohlstetter's work has appeared in Metatron, Bodega Magazine, The SILO, and The Chapess Zine. She is a graduate of The Independent Publishing Resource Center's Poetry Program and holds a BA in French and Photography from Bennington College. She is the author of the chapbook "Please and Please" and lives in Portland, OR.